Transmei Self-powered Doorbell
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Transmei Self-powered Doorbell

Views: 3     Author: Jessie Wang     Publish Time: 2024-05-24      Origin: Site

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Matching methods: 

Learning code matching: power on the receiver, long press "volume button"for 3 seconds, after hearing “ding-dong,ding-dong" sounds, it enters into thematching mode. Aim the transmitter needing for matching to the receiver, then the receiver makes sound, "ding dong ding dong" ,which means successful matching. lf not receiving successfully or there is no signal of transmitter within 5 seconds, it will exit the matching mode automatically.

Clear the learning code matching: in the case of power failure of the receiver, long press the"volume button" ,and then plug in the power, loose hand afterhearing “ding dong, ding dong" sound,clear all the learning code matching of the machine; at this time, all transmitters will fail and needs to be matched again.

You can match the receivers as many as you want; and up to 4 PCS transmitters;For multiple matches, please repeat the above online matching operation.


Product Description:

Based on magnetic power generation technology, uses the mechanical energy of the press switch to convert energy, sends signals to the actuator, and realizes the control of doorbells, lights, curtains, etc.

Product Specifcation: 

Energy: Mechanical energy 

Sound options: 38 songs selected

Volumn Band: 4 (Loud-middle-low-silence)

Material: ABS

Waterproof grade: IPX4

Rated Voltage: AC110V/220V~

Operating RF: 433.92MHz

Button life: >100,000 times on/off

Range: More than 150 meters

Accessory: Sticker,Screw,Use manual